• info@cmpinnacle.com
  • +233 (0) 201 441 666


Leader in Industrial Business

C&M Pinnacle has been a long-term trusted partner for clients in West African Sub-Regions and beyond. Since January 2022, working closely with our clients allows us to act in their best interest.

We Are Dedicated To Quality

We are always dedicated to the quality standards as required of us, and are ready to deliver as per our client's expectation.


Over the years, finishing every project we take up has been a goal we value because it is our belief that it is always possible.

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Founded</br> 2022
Founded</br> 2022

What We Offer

Closed Projects

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Why C&M Pinnacle?

Reasons To Choose Us
  • We operate with zero safety incidents as our core value and embrace excellence
  • We take up reasonable challenges that many will hesitate to take
  • We strive to be the best and to exceed expectations to go beyond established limits and surpass others through sustained performance and superior thinking
  • We work to be partners with our clients realising that, the sum is always greater than the parts.
Social Responsibilities

C&M Pinnacle supports various private foundations, rural support organizations and orphanages as part of its corporate responsiblities. The foundation currently supports the "The Affiliated Schools Outreach Program" on all its medical outreaches to selected rural locations in Ghana.

Leadership Role

We took the International Star for Leadership in Quality Awards in 2016

Years of experiences to give you better results

Clients' satisfaction has been one of our core values throughout these years.

Therefore we give out our best in order to satisfy our cherished clients